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Stories of Fire:

online exhibition series

As part of our Pacific Northwest Stories of Fire Atlas Project, working with the University of Idaho's Prichard Art Gallery, we showcased works by visual artists and designers in the online exhibition series, Stories of Fire.  These exhibitions will highlight the manifold ways artists and designers are marking, mapping, engaging and articulating personal and community experiences of wildfire in the region.


Organized into three parts, GROUND TRUTHS (Spring 2023), FUEL LOADING (Fall 2023) and SIGHTLINES (Winter 2024), each exhibition is loosely framed by a particular disciplinary lens— cartography, fire management and urban planning—and the range of ways artists express and explore parallel concerns.

Stories of Fire
Participating Artists

Laura Ahola-Young

Jean Arnold

Anne Acker-Mathieu

Jackie Barry


David Paul Bayles & Frederick J Swanson


Karin Bolender / Rural Alchemy Workshop


Lisa Cristinzo


Megan Davis


Fuller Initiative for Productive Landscapes: Overlook Field School


Margo Geddes


Kelsey Grafton


Megan Hatch


Alice, Maggie & Rob Keffe


Katie Kehoe


Kate Lund



​Amiko Matsu + Brad Monsma


aj miccio


Miriam H Morrill


Julie Mortimer

Allison McClay

Meredith Ojala

Eric Ondina


Oregon Episcopal School & Sophia Hatzikos


Asante Riverwind


Andreas Rutkauskas

Gerard Sarnat

Martina Shenal

Enid Smith Becker

Sonia Sobrino Ralston

Siri Stensberg

Liz Toohey-Wiese

Mary Vanek Smith

Doug Tolman & Alec Bang

Justin Webb

Sasha Michelle White

Suze Woolf

exhibitions presented in collaboration of:

and made possible by the generous

support of:

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